
REGULAR MEMBER: Any person who is at least 18 years of age, whose surname is Maloof or any of the recognized
variations of the spelling; any person who is the spouse of a Maloof or any variations of the spelling; any person whose Mother,
grandparent, or great grandparent is a Maloof or any variations of the spelling; or who are from families originating from the
Maloofs; and who agrees to abide by and support the Purpose and Mission of the organization. Regular members shall enjoy
all rights and privileges of membership including the right to make motions, vote, and hold office within the organization. The
sub-categories of Regular Membership are: Individual, Patron, Benefactor, and Life member. All members are invited to
complete a Genealogy Summary which will be sent to each person on request.
ASSOCIATE MEMBER: Any non-Maloof who is at least 18 years of age or any organization/institution who has an interest
in supporting the Purpose and Mission of Maloofs International, Inc. Associate members shall not have the right to vote or
hold office, but may serve on committees.
DUES ARE PER PERSON PER CALENDER YEAR Payable by January 1, -December 31 of Existing Year
All Members are recognized in the Membership Directory. Each member receives: a copy of that Directory, A Glimpse into
Maloof History, our quarterly Newsletters, a Membership Card. Pens, Bookmarks etc will be handed out at our annual “Family Reunions”.

Small Candle
$ 30.00

Medium Candle
$ 50.00

Large Candle
$ 65.00

Lapel Pin
$ 10.00

Cell phone Pop-socks
$ 10.00 each

Framed Crest
$ 65.00
Voluntary Financial Contributions are Appreciated
Financial hardships or illness of family member are to be brought to the attend to Omar Maloof for financial Assistance.
Please fill out the application and return it to the address below.
If you have any questions email [email protected]